Vitamins of all kinds are good for your body and for your skin but if there is too much exposure of vitamins to your body then it can be dangerous. As the old saying goes that too much anything is bad. This is the exact reason that we have been forced to write about it.
Modern Problem
Diseases are becoming stronger with each passing day. Scientists and health experts say that disease, viruses, and bacteria didn’t last long and the medicine of that time defeated them, but these diseases, bacteria, and virus is becoming more immune to the modern medicines.
Modern Solution with old ways to do it
For this reason, the same scientists and health experts who didn’t believe in natural remedies are now focusing more on making medicines with natural substances as compared to the chemicals.
There are still many people in the world, in this era, who don’t believe in modern medicine and they stick to the natural remedies. There are many people who have claimed that whenever they had a cold, sore throat or a fever, it was cured with simple herbal teas and by eating honey with black pepper or drinking stews.
People are now getting sicker than before, a study done by different reports which are provided by the hospitals, and it showed that 30 years before, people seldom went to hospitals but now 48% of that number has increased.
There were many fewer cases where people lost their lives due to sickness but now there are different fevers who just happen at night all of a sudden and the next thing you see, is a dead person and doctors don’t have an answer but just that the person had a fever.
Why go for natural remedies?
It is obvious that when there was no modern medicine, people used to treat themselves with natural herbs and ways. There are more than many benefits of opting for natural remedies like;
- It is affordable.
- It is tasteless and it is easy to intake, it is just like eating normal food.
- It doesn’t affect the hormones and metabolism instead it stabilizes the hormones and metabolism.
- The best part; naturally heals everything.
- It also strengthens the immunity system.
- It doesn’t have any kind of side effects.
Although it has some drawbacks as well;
- It is slow.
- If not done right, it can cause more harm.
These are only drawbacks. The slow part is okay but imagine that you have a fever and you take a tablet and after two or three hours, you are fine as a horse. You get happy but what you don’t see that how many steroids it must be having and what side effects it will have in later life.
The part when it is not done right, well this is very true, we have seen cases where people tried to be doctors themselves and ended up in the hospitals for good. So, whenever you want to opt for natural remedies make sure to visit many ayurvedic doctors and consult with the one who has the best reviews.
Speaking of this thing, since the pollution is increasing and there is a lot of problem regarding global warming which also means that the sun is throwing rays that are very strong and some people cannot bear it.
Some people have very sensitive skin, the slightest of sun rays can cause the redness and blisters. And the latest disease caused by the sun is actinic keratosis.
What is actinic keratosis?
This the kind of skin disease which is caused by too much exposure to the sun. In this disease, small patches of scaly skin occur on the neck, ears, face, forearms, scalp. There are treatments of it but the treatments of this disease are very painful.
– Disadvantages of the latest treatments
There many kinds of treatment where even the skin gets to peel off, laser therapy and treatments which cause blisters, redness, and dry cracked skin. And the sad part is that when they thought it will never come back, it starts again and spread even faster.
– Advantages of natural remedies
There are many people who have claimed and recorded that when they used different natural remedies, and with a passage of time, it was healed completely and it never came back. Yes, it is slow and it requires a lot of patience but it cures the skin completely.
Types of natural remedies for actinic keratosis
Following the most effective types of natural remedies for actinic keratosis:
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has some amazing effects on the body. Some people even drink it to reduce weight, women who bloat during their period also drink it to make the blood thin, but most importantly, skin diseases like ringworms gets defeated by applying apple cider vinegar on the affected area.
How to do it?
All you have to is just take a small piece of cotton, dip it in the apple cider vinegar and dab on the affected area. Do this step many times a day and night and within two or three months, you will the patches are going away for good.
Some people also recommend that when you dab it make sure to cover it with an airproof bandage. Just remember that to some people it did pinch a little bit on the skin but it is nothing as compared to the modern treatments. This is the best way of getting actinic keratosis treatment over the counter.
- Virgin Coconut Oil
This is the treatment that will test your patience but it will do the job and it is completely painless, but instead, it soothes the itching and the redness as well. But make sure to buy the organic virgin coconut oil, this might be a little expensive, but it will be worth it.
How to do it?
Just dip your fingers in the coconut oil and apply it to the affected area and do wash your hands when you are done. Do this step many times a day. It said to be best for actinic keratosis on the face.
- Tea Tree Oil
This oil has said to be the oil from heaven because it has even treated skin cancer diseases as well, only the first stage of cancerous skin diseases. It has also done miracles with people who have any kind of muscle pain and scientists are still confused that what can further do more for health.
People have sworn that no treatment worked on actinic keratosis but just tea tree oil did. It doesn’t pain but this oil can cost a lot. Also, it cures all types of actinic keratosis seborrheic keratosis.
How to do it?
You simply have to dip your fingers in the oil and apply on the affected and wash your hands when you have applied. Do this step many times a day, and it also has a very good smell.
- Green Tea
You must be thinking that I have always drank it, how is it going to work on skin diseases? But that is the beauty of natural remedies, you never know what wonders natural things can do. There are many people who get a sunburn and when they apply tea bags on that area, it gets better.
How to do it?
Just get a green tea bag and soak it in warm water and apply that wet bag on the skin and leave it until all the water has been dried up. Do this step many times a day. If it is on your face, in some weeks or months you will be freed from actinic keratosis face and have that charming look back again.